uploads/dry rot.jpg

dry rot 1.【植物;植物學】干腐病。2.腐化 (Nepotism...

dry run

Efficacy : it can penetrate into hair quickly , nourish hair , repair the dry rot , dull hair , strenghthened the hair root , reduce loss of hair , make your hair comeback to health and brilliant , high effect color protect formula make your colored hair comeback to brilliant color , bright and charming , gain the beautiful color contour 功效:能迅速滲透發芯,有效滋養、修護干枯、黯淡發質,強健發根,減少脫發,令秀發逐步恢復健康亮麗,融入超強彩護配方,能夠使你染過的秀發恢復亮麗色彩,潤澤迷人,獲得美麗的彩發輪廓。

For the past 35 years , the boy scouts have used the danish - built argus as a floating classroom . in february , it was found to have dry rot and the estimated 1 . 5 million needed for repairs made the vessel too costly to keep , boy scouts spokeswoman lara fisher said tuesday 據路透社5月17日報道,美童子軍組織的女發言人拉拉費舍爾日前表示,在過去的35年里,該組織一直將這艘由丹麥制造且被命名為阿爾戈斯號的帆船當做一個海上浮動教室來使用。

Durability of wood and wood - based products . assessment of the effectiveness of a masonry fungicide to prevent growth into wood of dry rot serpula lacrymans schumacher ex fries s . f . gray . laboratory method . european prestandard env 12404 木質和木基制品的耐久性.磚石建筑防止干燥腐爛serpula lacrymans向木材中生長的殺菌劑效果的評估ss . f . gray .試驗室方法

Durability of wood and wood - based products - assessment of the effectiveness of a masonry fungicide to prevent growth into wood of dry rot serpula lacrymans schumacher ex fries s . f . gray - laboratory method 木材和木基產品的耐久性.磚砌施工防菌劑在防止霉菌生長進入干風化serpula lacrymans s . f . gray中效果的評定.實驗室法

Durability of wood and wood - based products . assessment of the effectiveness of a masonry fungicide to prevent growth into wood of dry rot serpula lacrymans schumacher ex fries s . f . gray . laboratory method 木材和木基制品的耐久性.防木材干枯長龍介蟲的圬工殺菌劑效果評定.試驗室法

Frequently they assumed that we were ideologues of some sort , that we were living without electricity to make a point about the dry rot of western civilization 當我們告訴他人怎樣生活時,他們經常會問我們怎么做到的,我們身邊有什么可用的東西呢?

Look at that den of traitors where i met you . dry rot is no name for it 你看看那個生意人的南吧,我是在那里遇見你的。

Promises were made about plumbing , about dry rot .你保證會幫我們修理馬桶,換掉腐木

When the secretaries are goofing off, you know the place has dry rot . 不管什么地方,大凡秘書們無事可做了,那就說明快要收攤啦。

There is dry rot in the floor . 地板已經朽了。